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What rifle should I buy?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:21 pm
by VicRC87
I was an air rifle shooter back in high school, for the last couple of years I turned to Olympic Recurve Archery but due to an injury that was put on indefinite hold. Now I am going back to target shooting mainly smallbore and air rifle (Already settle for air the walther lg400). During my research I have narrowed down y selection to four rifles, three because that one that is the clear choice is on back order and the waitlist is incredible. So I need help from the most experience shooter to which rifle should I get.

I am 6'0", 28" arm length, about 202 pounds (due to injury trying to get back down to 185).

The options are:

Walther KK500 (more expensive and the obvious choice but cant get a hold of a rilfe so dont count this one unless someone can tell me where to get one in the US)

Walther KK300 Alutec (Don't know about light or regular model) [champion's choice and McKenna Shooting Sports]

Anschutz 1907 in 1918 Precise Stock [anschutz north america]

Feinwerkbau FWB 2700 [champion's choice]

So which one do you recomend, other than the KK500 all of them are pretty much around the same price. Or if you have any other recommendations I will glady accept them, take in mind I live in the US in Central Florida, so if you can also tell me where should I get the rifles let me know.

Thank you ahead of time, and I will be checking this regularly as i would like to make a decision by next week.

Re: What rifle should I buy?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:16 pm
by Modena
Great question. This is where I will find myself very soon also I suspect, and when I come to buy a rifle that list is pretty much where I got to in my thinking. Leaning towards a KK300 Alutec.

Personally I want to steer away from an Anschutz, mainly because everyone else has one and I think too much faith is put in them due to their heritage and market saturation. Obviously you need to try a few and see what fits well and feels good.

Re: What rifle should I buy?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:37 am
by gwsb
My 2 cents (and your $4,000) is that you should not rule out the new Anschutz 5430 and that a full size adult man should probably use a 19 or 20 18 not 07. Also this is a tricky time to buy a new smallbore rifle since Anschutz and Walther are soon introducing new models that have the potential to be game changers.

Re: What rifle should I buy?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:57 pm
by MatS
I gave the KK500 prototype a better look in Europe this summer. The feel in prone is almost like KK300 Alutec, in standing it feels much more ergonomic like the Anatomic. However I did not shoot it.

I'm shooting a KK300 Alutec myself. Best spent money in my life. My friend is shooting the Anatomic. The shaft in the front section is too high for my liking, but has overall a much better feel in 3P.

For the money is the KK300 Alutec a go. But choose the standard version, the light one will give you headaches in prone.
If you are ready to spent more money go for the KK500 (no major flaws shown yet, the LG400's Absorber was a bit of a flop)

If you are already shooting a Walther air rifle, stick on Walther. Because interchangable.

Re: What rifle should I buy?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:21 pm
by VicRC87
Thank you all for your recommendations