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Importing Gun From UK to USA

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 9:49 am
by IdahoMoose
Hi there

I've seen a bunch of topics on this forum discussing importing guns into the USA however I haven't seen any that match my situation!

I'm originally from the UK however relocated to the USA some years ago. I have a handful of shotguns in the UK that I used to shoot. They don't have a huge financial value but I do have a significant sentimental attachment to them. With this in mind, I'd like to bring them to the USA and add to my collection here.

What I'd like to do is to bring them to keep in my collection, maybe displaying them in my office to remind me of the people and experiences associated with those particular guns. I may very occasionally shoot them for fun, however they were never fitted to me and I always shoot better with properly fitted guns (no surprise there!!). I don't plan on selling these and would hope for my children to inherit them if/when they showed interest in shooting (they are rather young currently!).

There's absolutely no urgency involved at all - I'd probably bring them back to the US when I next travel to Europe. I certainly wouldn't bother to ship them!

So, here's my question - what do I need to do to achieve this legally in a way that won't come back to bite me on the ass later?!

Thank you!

Re: Importing Gun From UK to USA

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 11:36 am
by PeeWeeDaddy
ATF Form 6 for each and everyone of them.
Depending on where you live an FFL holder may have to receive them.
If you do try and bring them back yourself do not travel through New York.

Re: Importing Gun From UK to USA

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 12:30 pm
by IdahoMoose
Thanks for the reply.

I looked at the Form 6 earlier and wasn't sure how much of it was relevant/required in this situation as I'm not buying from anyone. For the customs broker, is this firearms specific, or any import/export customs broker?

I would be entering the US in Washington State.

Re: Importing Gun From UK to USA

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 10:24 am
by PeeWeeDaddy
As a member of the USAF stationed in Berlin, 1974-79, I purchased a revolver, a shotgun and two rifles from the rod & gun club. All required an ATF Form 6 for me to bring them home the USA.
You should call the ATF.
BTW, in addition to my duties as an air traffic controller, I was a customs inspector for personal property shipments to the USA.