Hammerli 208 rear sight blade replacement

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Hammerli 208 rear sight blade replacement

Post by KDZ »

I have a new (to me) Hammerli 208 with a 3.2mm rear sight blade. The sight picture would be better with more light on the sides for me old eyes. I believe replacement blades are available up to 4.0mm. However an old thread about this makes the replacement procedure seem intimidating - with risk of tiny springs popping out and difficulty re-assembling:


Do you really have to disassemble the sight to replace the blade? It seems there should be an easier way?

Alternately I could carefully file the notch wider.

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Re: Hammerli 208 rear sight blade replacement

Post by left360 »

On my 208s, the rear sight blade has a small notch on the right side end. By engaging that notch with an upward pressure, the rear sight blade just pops out. The Hammerli tool, a small screwdriver or even a thumbnail all work.

The last 208 rear sight blades that I bought came from Neal Stepp at I.S.S. 817 595-2090.
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Re: Hammerli 208 rear sight blade replacement

Post by KDZ »

Thanks 360

I spoke to Neal Stepp and he indicated the 208s works as you say - the sight blade can be popped out and replaced. However with a 208 (no s) the sight has to be disassembled to swap out the blade.
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