
old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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Ken J


Post by Ken J »

Well Folks,
Here I sit in the business center at the hotel. Rob Harbison coined a phrase some years ago, calling Korea the Land of the Not Quite Right. Well........
The disclaimer. Cultures are different. The Koreans get by just fine as they are. They are a wonderful people, full of laughter, intelligence and a wonderful society. However, what Rob said, according to the American eye, still holds true. For the sake of you at home, I'll briefly describe:
In case of emergency in Korea, dial 119. (no kidding)
A single actuating faucet in the US is opened by lifting the handle up. In Korea, you push the handle down.
What's known in the US as toilet paper is used in Korea as table napkins, roll and all.
You'll carry about 100,000 Won in your wallet. That's about a hundred bucks. Why all those zeros?

Little Korean girls giggle when they see an American man. That's not quite right.
Translations from Korean to English often leave something to be desired. This evening for dinner, I had shimp cock-tair. It was good, really!
The automatic flushing urinals at the range begin flushing when you first stand in front of them. They stop briefly thereafter. That's not quite right either.
The hotel I'm staying in has supplied my room with rope, in case of a fire. Well, I checked out the rope. It's about 50 feet long. I'm on the 6th floor. That's not quite right.
Korean shoes aren't quite right. Kind of a cross between dutch wodden shoes and poke-mon.
Korean rock and roll almost, but not quite, sounds good.
Korean rap... never mind.
Korean food, well now, here's something I find perfect. Kim-shee and all.
There are many more instances, but you get the idea. Hey, they try. By no means am I bashing on the Koreans. Some stuff just makes the rest of the team and me laugh.
I like visiting Korea. My above ramblings should not be taken the wrong way. As I said at the start, great people, intelligent, funny, enjoyable. I'm just celebrating human diversity...albeit amusing.
Ken J

A Nonymous

Re: Korea

Post by A Nonymous »

But the ladies sure are beautiful!

Re: Korea

Post by Questor »

And then there is the latest craze in cosmetic surgery for Korean women: calf reduction (of the calves of the legs.) Korean women are self-conscious about the large size of their calves (unlike French and Japanese women, who typically have small calves.) Maybe somebody should tell them that a lot of men like shapely legs.
In any case, it's definitely not quite right.
Ken J

Re: Korea

Post by Ken J »

Opening Ceremonies put the US to shame. Was held in a velodrome, complete with precision drill team, orchestra, children doing martial arts, Governor of the state, mayor of the city, a food spread that was unreal, full compliments of beer, complete table setup (china, glassware, silverware, etc), coach busses to and from, and state TV media, etc. The only thing that was not quite right was how they spelled Finland on the big screen in the velodrome.... Pinland.
We definately need work when it comes to putting on a good show.
Ken J
Bill Poole

Re: Korea

Post by Bill Poole »

: Opening Ceremonies put the US to shame.
WHAT is going on there? a shooting event?
OHHHHH I found the answer to my own question
http://www.shooting.or.kr/worldcup/worl ... me=menu_01
well I hope they have as good a photo page as Zagreb and Video's like Munich!!!
http://www.watchsport.com/index.php?cat ... ticleID=49

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