Match announcement - RT competition ins USA

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Match announcement - RT competition ins USA

Post by kaban56 »

Below is the description of RT match in USA. Let's make this happen!

We are planning on showing up with 6-7 people shooting 10m and a couple shooting 50m





SPONSOR: Texas State Rifle Association and High Plains Shooting Sports Association

LOCATION: Claude, TX Finley Shooting Outdoor Ranges. Four miles Southwest of Claude

DATE: 10 Meter Tuesday, May 26-Friday May 29, 9:00 AM

50 Meter Friday May 29 - Saturday May 30, 2015 9:00 AM daily, Sunday May 31, 2015 1:00 PM

ELIGIBILTY: Texas State Champ must reside in TEXAS.

Winning shooters of other states resident, will be names champion for that state.

Foreign and Others compete as a visitor competitor.

ENTRY: Pre Registration is suggested. Entries accepted until range capacity prior to competition.

You MUST call for details!

Teams may be formed at range after entry.

RULES: Current INTERNATIONAL R.T. and ARTA Rules apply.

COURSE OF FILE: Men 20 slow+ 10 fast + 20 shots mixed runs

Women 20+10+20.

Hunters match and Rapid Fire match also available.

Handgun 30 shots 25 meter and 20 shots 50 meter all slow runs.

International 30+30 match may be held if necessary.

TARGET: 10meter may shoot boar or AR-6. 50meter (R.B.) and/or Hunters Targets

RIFLE: 10meter .177 air rifle with less than 750 fps velocity

50 meter .22 cal Rimfire Smallbore bolt rifle,

.22 cal Rimfire Semi-auto for Rapid Fire SIGHTS: Any (scope, etc)

HANDGUN: .22 cal Smallbore SIGHTS: Any sight

FEE: Rifle or Handgun: Adults $40.00 plus $5.00 reg. fee.

Junior $30.00 plus $5.00 reg. fee

Both Gun fee: $60.00 plus $5.00 reg fee

Mixed Runs fee $10.00

Rapid Fire match fee $10.00.

Package entry: All matches $75.00 plus registration fee 10 or 50m.

Same fee schedule for 10m or 50m.

CHALLENGES: $5.00 each stage of event.

MEMBERSHIPS: Shooters must be members of National and State Organizations

CONTACT: Jim Finley, Rt. 1 Box 43, Claude, TX 79019 ph (806) 944-5567

AWARDS: Championship awards with Class and category (Dependon number entered)

and based on aggregate of 10m and/or 50m scores.

SPECIAL NOTE: Some rifles and equipment may be available the range if prior arrangements are made.

You must call early for squadding and equipment.

Shooter with time conflict will be handled on an as need basis.

Shooter may shoot any part of the match either weekend with prior notice to Match Director.

The match is also arranged to handle disabled shooters with a category for the needs they may have.

Other shoot dates(between May 10-June12) may also be specially arranged.

This match will function with rigid flexibility so you must give us your intention May 10, 2015.

PLEASE CALL (806) 944-5567!

Jim Finley, Match Director, is a Coach of the International Training Team for the Shooting Coaches Association, trained athletes and coaches in many countries, author Running Target Training and Techniques, and may be reached at Rt. 1 Box 43, Claude, TX 79019; (806) 944-5567).
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