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Silicone cloths

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:11 am
by scottmi
Not all silicone cloths are made the same!
i was thinking i need to get a couple new cloths and recalled that i had one brand that i knew i preferred over the rest, but couldn't remember which one. So dug around before cleaning my pistol tonight, got all the different brands i had out and confirmed which one is best for me... Here they are and my comments.


I like best the Kleenbore Silicone Gun & Reel Cloth.
I prefer the yellow color over the grey - shows the dirt more. But this cloth really stands out in it's quality of silicone richness. It just cleans things up and puts down the nicest coating every time, especially on matte metal surfaces.

runner's up are Birchwood Casey Gun & Real Silicone Cloth and the Pro-Shot Silicone Cloth. Really a toss up between the Birchwood and Pro-Shot. both are relatively dry compared to the Kleenbore. They are both larger and come in nice closeable ziplocks, but i don't really even care to use them when the Kleenbore is around. I'll toss these in with my airguns that will require only the lightest of wiping, but further purchases will be the Kleenbore.

Anyone else ever recognized any preferences as to the humble silicone cloth? Any other brands to seek out or to avoid? And does anyone have experience with the Birchwood Casey "SHEATH" product?

silicon cloth

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:36 pm
by sean
Scott, thanks for the review. Is it common practice to wipe down a grip (morini) as well?
Thanks, Sean

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:50 pm
by pgfaini
I must be frugal (cheap). I just spray a piece of scrap flannel (old sweat shirt) with silicone, and use that. I respray as needed, and when they get too dirty, throw them out. I must have a dozen pieces laying around my shop and in the cases with the guns.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:45 pm
by Fred Mannis
After use I wipe down my guns with RustePrufe. I have been using this stuff for years and have never had a rust problem. I have a flannel rag saturated with this stuff in a ziploc bag in all my gun cases/boxes.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:30 am
by Spencer
Fred Mannis wrote:After use I wipe down my guns with RustePrufe. I have been using this stuff for years and have never had a rust problem. I have a flannel rag saturated with this stuff in a ziploc bag in all my gun cases/boxes.
How did we survive before ziplock bags?
