Opinions, review, about Walther LP300XT?

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Emilo mendoza

Opinions, review, about Walther LP300XT?

Post by Emilo mendoza »

I´m thinking in buying a Walther LP300XT.
Any of you have this pistol, Can give us some impresions, comments, review.

Thanks in advance

Emilio Mendoza
Posts: 16
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Location: Sydney Australia

Post by Multiplexman »

I would be interested in feedback too.

I have been unable to see one in the "flesh".

less desirable Walther LP triggers

Post by etrwe »

All of the former Walther 300 series precharged air pistols have a reputation for unstable, and less than perfect triggers.

I don´t have any long time experience from firing the very last model, though.
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LP 300

Post by RJP »

I have owned an LP 300 for several years now. I bought it new, about a year after they were available.

The LP 300 has all the features a current model air pistol should have, except an electronic trigger.

The origional trigger was very smooth and crisp. But my trigger would not hold adjustments very long. I had to adjust the trigger about every six months.

About 4 years ago, I obtained and installed the new trigger, which has much harder to turn adjustment screws and I have not adjusted the trigger since. I would expect the LP 300XT has the new trigger.

All the changes from my LP 300 to the current LP 300XT appear to be cosmetic changes. I am not aware of any substantial design changes.

Re: LP 300

Post by Naimed »

RJP wrote: All the changes from my LP 300 to the current LP 300XT appear to be cosmetic changes. I am not aware of any substantial design changes.
They changed the compenstation mechanism inside to match the technology like the Steyr LP10. Also the Precompression Valve is optimized.
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Re: LP 300

Post by jipe »

Naimed wrote:
RJP wrote: All the changes from my LP 300 to the current LP 300XT appear to be cosmetic changes. I am not aware of any substantial design changes.
They changed the compenstation mechanism inside to match the technology like the Steyr LP10. Also the Precompression Valve is optimized.
The Steyr name for that is "absorber" = recoil absorber. It is indeed a new one on the XT.

It is now at the top level. The 300bar cylinder allow a big amount of shots but the price of a 300bar tank is much higher than the one of as 200bar (you can of course use a 200bar but then you have less shots).

Trigger is not the best you can find but it is now a good one. One drawback: when you remove the grip, you have to readjust its position due to the manner the 3D system is made.

Post by harten »

I've owned the lp300xt between december 2006 - december 2007 and got rid of it because of the problems with the trigger. The weight kept changing between 250 and 650 gram, not stable at all. This also happened after 1/2 year with the second trigger. Two other people I knew had the same problem and they both got rid of this pistol, one of them after changing the trigger for 3 times! But this happened 1 1/2 year ago, so I asume they improved the trigger by now.
Besides while shooting I had the feeling my weapen wanted to dive to the left below while pulling the trigger. I prefer the balance of a Lp 10. But with the walther I shot my highest results 368 - 380.

Greetz Chantal
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